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Nutrition and Supporting Routines for Hair Transplantation

by Hair Transplant Turkey

It is really important to listen to your body’s reactions during hair transplantation and to shape your life according to these reactions. The hair transplantation process requires your body to be in harmony with new substances. Your body also needs a strong resistance mechanism when faced with a surgical procedure. Therefore, your body may need a special nutrition routine in this process. Generally, your doctor will share with you what you need to be aware of the process of hair transplantation. But we also want to provide you with some information that we have found within the scope of our research. In the continuation of our article, you will find detailed information about Nutrition and Supporting Routines for Hair Transplantation.

What You Should or Should Not Eat?

The hair transplantation process is divided into three, before, during and after. Under these three headings, it is important to realize how the nutritional process should be shaped during your daily routine.

Before Hair Transplant Process

  1. Just before the hair transplant process, you need to remove some nutrients from your nutrition routine that may cause side effects to increase. Many nutrients generally recommended before the hair transplantation process are not recommended before the hair transplantation process. Because eating routines, which are described as nutritious, can increase bleeding during the hair transplantation process. Therefore, substances such as aspirin, gigko biloba, ginseng, fish oil, garlic pill, ginger, saw palmetto, vitamin E should not be used before the hair transplantation process. This is because these substances can be integrated with the active substances contained in the drugs and cause more rapid bleeding.

During Hair Transplant Process

  1. While the hair transplantationprocess is in progress, you should take care to consume the substances that will feed the hair follicles. With the FUE hair transplantationmethod, many new hairs will be inserted into your scalp. Your hair will come in close contact with your cells and scalp tissue and will begin to grow. For this growth to occur, integration must be realized between the hair follicle and the scalp. For this, remember that your body needs various vitamins and minerals.

After FUE hair transplantation, you should consume the following substances:

  • B-Complex Vitamins
  • Zinc
  • Iron
  • Vitamin E
  • C vitamin
  • Vitamin A

After Hair Transplant Process

Once the hair transplant process is complete, it is important that your hair grows, that it has strong roots. In this way, your hair will look healthy, fuller and shiny. In order to achieve all these, you have to take care of your hair care. There are many substances that have important benefits in hair care. You can mix these ingredients into a hair mask and apply them to your hair externally. In addition, if you include these ingredients in your diet, you will see that they have positive effects on your hair.

  • Coconut Oil
  • Olive Oil
  • Hemp Oil
  • Black cumin oil


Click Here To Read What is the success rate of hair transplant?

Meta: Do you wonder what to be careful about the nutrition routine of the hair transplant process? You can read our article for detailed information.




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