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Hair Transplant Results

by Hair Transplant Turkey

Hair Transplant Results: What Does Statistics Say?

Recently, hair transplant technologies, which have been experienced by many people, have become quite popular. In particular, the fact that famous individuals preferred hair transplant operations one at a time helped other people to take a warm look at such procedures. The majority of individuals who suffer from hair loss due to genetic or environmental reasons now prefer advanced hair transplant options. Although these methods have some side effects, it is possible to say that they produce more permanent and healthy solutions compared to the old methods. 

Of course, it may make sense to learn about the success rates of these transactions before agreeing to pay for such a transaction. If you want to get general information about Hair Transplant Results, you are definitely in the right place. In the following section, we will examine the results of Hair Transplant Results according to the statistical studies.

The Success Rate of Hair Transplant Results

To understand why hair transplant technology has a high success rate, it is important to learn the details of developing technology. Hair transplant technology enables the transplanted hair to interact with the scalp and grow naturally. This makes it easier for the hair to provide a lasting aesthetic appearance. 60 percent of the transplanted hair continues to grow healthily within the scope of hair transplant results. Under what circumstances can hair transplant results be negative? Let’s examine them:

  1. The doctor is inexperienced and the instruments are not used correctly
  2. Failure to maintain the hair transplanted area adequately and correctly after the operation
  3. The person is not genetically suitable for hair transplantation (especially before FUE hair transplant method is absolutely a test.)
  4. Inexperienced, poor quality or dishonest hair transplant centers are preferred.
  5. The lack of hygienic preferred hair transplantation centers is also a serious problem. Because when the scalp is opened, the risk of infection will increase if the environment is not hygienic. Therefore, hygiene is very important during such an intervention.
  6. Failure to tell your doctor about the result you requested for hair transplantation will also cause a hair transplant result with dissatisfaction.

Meta: You can see the possible hair transplant results on our article. We hâce also shared the reasons of dissatisfaction with these procedures. 

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